Saturday, April 18, 2015

RCU - Silent Execution

In this post, I will talk about the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) silent execution.
Well the silent execution can be run for any Fusion Middleware Products that comes with RCU utility but in this post I will talk about the OIM specific RCU.

Well here the direct command.

c:\rcuHome\bin>rcu.bat -silent -createRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString localhost:1521:orcl -dbUser sys -dbRole sysdba -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix  DEV -component MDS -component OPSS -component OIM -component SOAINFRA -component ORASDPM -f < pwd.txt

please put passwords in pwd.txt

there is 1 more variation where you specify the tablespace names

c:\rcuHome\bin>rcu.bat -silent -createRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString localhost:1521:orcl -dbUser sys -dbRole sysdba -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix  DEV -component MDS -component OPSS -component OIM -component SOAINFRA -component ORASDPM -tablespace DEV_MDS -tablespace DEV_OPSS -tablespace DEV_OIM -tablespace DEV_SOAINFRA -tablespace DEV_ORASDPM -tempTablespace DEV_MDS_TEMP  -tempTablespace DEV_OPSS_TEMP  -tempTablespace DEV_OIM_TEMP  -tempTablespace DEV_SOAINFRA_TEMP  -tempTablespace DEV_ORASDPM_TEMP -f < pwd.txt

The only challenge that I see with silent execution is getting the name of the component and its dependent component right as there is no automatic dependency selection which happen in UI.