Well lot of steps still remain the same, only change is they have done away with PSA (Patch Set Assistant) which used to upgrade the DB Schema
you set the PATH to include the Oracle_IDM1 Opatch folder so the opatch utility can be found
you set the ORACLE_HOME and OIM_ORACLE_HOME etc to Oracle_IDM1 folder.
check inventory
opatch lsinventory
which opatch
which unzip
apply the patch
opatch apply
Second step replaces PSA
Basically you update a patch_oim_wls.profile with all the details
- Mandatory Env Variables
- Weblogic SOA variables
- DB Config Details - OIM and MDS
- OIM location (t3://), userid and password
sh ./patch_oim_wls.sh
after patching
restart OIM, SOA and Admin Servers
Lock and edit weblogic admin server
Create a new Work Manager called "OIMWorkManager" and target to OIM_SERVER and OIMCLUSTER with MAXIMUM THREADS CONSTRAINT = 33