Security Models
1) Bell-laPadula Model
2) Biba Model
3) Clark-Wilson Model
4) Noninterference Model
5) Brewer and Nash Model
6) Graham Denning Model
7) Harrison-Ruzzo_Ullman Model
Types of Symmetric Systems
1) Data Encryption Standard
2) Triple-DES
3) Advanced Encryption Standard
4) International Data Encryption Algorithm
5) Blowfish
6) RC4
7) RC5
8) RC6
Types of Asymmetric Systems
1) Diffie-Hellman Algorithm
2) RSA
3) El Gamal
4) Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
5) Knapsack
6) Zero Knowledge Proof
Message Integrity
1) The One-Way Hash
2) MD4
3) MD5
4) SHA
5) Digital Signature Standard
1) CA
2) Certificates
3) RA
Attacks on Cryptography
1) Ciphertext-Only Attacks
2) Known-Plaintext Attacks
3) Chosen-Plaintext Attacks
4) Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks
5) Differential Cryptanalysis
6) Linear Cryptanalysis
7) Side-Channel Attacks
8) Replay Attacks
9) Algebraic Attacks
10) Analytic Attacks
11) Statistical Attacks
12) Social Engineering Attacks
13) Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks